The League of Extraordinary Packages

Our Packages:

Presented by The League of Extraordinary Packages

Getting Started

Authorization Server

Resource Server

Repository Interfaces

Authorization server events

During the lifecycle of a request passing through the authorization server a number of events may be emitted.

You can subscribe to these events by attaching listeners to the authorization server.

To access the emitter call this method:

$server->getEmitter(); // returns instance of \League\Event\EmitterInterface


    function (\League\OAuth2\Server\RequestEvent $event) {
        // do something

This event is emitted when a client fails to authenticate. You might wish to listen to this event in order to ban clients that fail to authenticate after n number of attempts.

You can retrieve the request object that was used by calling getRequest() on the event object passed into your callable.


    function (\League\OAuth2\Server\RequestEvent $event) {
        // do something

This event is emitted when a user fails to authenticate. You might wish to listen to this event in order to reset passwords or ban users that fail to authenticate after n number of attempts.

You can retrieve the request object that was used by calling getRequest() on the event object passed into your callable.